778 Northwest Blvd., Columbus, OH 43212


The Ohio Public Employees Retirement System, OPERS, educates Ohio’s public servants, but they do not give you advice.

sitting on chairs
Here are the typical problems that OPERS members come to us to solve:
  1. Which Plan of Payment to select (#1 mistake, can be very costly)
  2. When should I retire (age & service credit)
  3. Should I take a PLOP?
  4. Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) or Government Pension Offset (how it impacts Social Security)

Making the right choice is overwhelming for most people. In most cases, the decisions are irrevocable and can be very costly. At Three Creeks Capital, we help clients with these decisions every day. We have the experience and knowledge to help you get it right from the start.

Schedule Your Retirement Consultation Now
We help you avoid the #1 mistake that could cost you $100,000+ in lost retirement income:
oper guide
What You Need to Know About Your OPERS Pension
Don’t just rely on what you heard in the Break Room!

After years of paying into OPERS, Ohio public employees are realizing that it soon will be their turn to collect. This century-old pension was designed to provide security for state, local, and city employees during and after their working careers.

This summary is designed to help you start thinking about your OPERS pension so you can obtain all the benefits you are entitled to and coordinate OPERS benefits with the rest of your retirement income plan.

Read the Guide
Mark and Elizabeth

Age: 62 and 60

Occupation: Professor and State Director

Primary Goals: Retire comfortably, reduce taxes and become reemployed for five years as professor emeritus and a part-time advisor with the State of Ohio.  They want to travel more to see their kids and grandkids and give money to charity upon their deaths.

Read the Success Stories
Thinking about taking the max PLOP? Not so fast!

PLOP stands for “Partial Lump Sum Option.” Most OPERS/STRS Members consider taking a PLOP. However, most don’t consider the consequences.

  1. Reduced Monthly Income
  2. Future COLAs reduced
  3. Tax consequences
  4. Joint and Survivor Affordability

This is an irrevocable decision that will have permanent consequences for the rest of your life. Get our opinion before you take action.

Schedule a PLOP Call
View our financial education resources for Ohio Public Employees